Welcome to the HotWomenSeekingMen online dating tips & advice section. Presumably, you're reading this because you want to try online dating, but don't know where to start or how to go about it.
Online dating services are one of the big success stories of the internet.
If you're new to online dating, it's probably best to read this section from start to finish.
We will be constantly adding new articles to this section and below you will find a preview outline of what will soon be included in this section.
Why Date Online talks about how online dating began and what it can do for you.
Types of Dating Services explains the difference between dating services such as matchmaking, personals events etc.
Getting Started covers what you need to think about and do before actually going on any dates. It covers getting online and how you can expect people to behave once there.
FriendShip Love or Sex - What are you looking for. You need to know what you want in order to find the most appropriate dating service.
Online Dating Etiquette and Your Privacy - This are done a little differently online than the real world. If your worried about the online freaks and wierdos and stalkers...its easy to protect yourself.
Creating a Profile is self-explanatory. This section tells you what you should put in your profile, and what you shouldn't.
Where To Go Part 1 - Paid Services contains reviews of various online dating services across a wide range of styles. It tells you what you can expect from them
- how they help you, how much they cost and a host of other details.
Where To Go Part 2 - Free Services may be the answer if you're on a tight budget.
The Third Way talks about other places you can meet people online, with some advice for how to go about that.
Online dating can be very different depending on your sex. The next two chapters
- Secret Men's Business and Secret Women's Business - address these differences.
Browsing the Profiles takes you through the process of searching for and selecting the person or people you want to date, as well as how to avoid the kind of hassles you hear about in the media.
The Waiting Game covers that awkward period between posting your profile and actually meeting someone.
Meeting Online talks about the means and ends of meeting someone online. It covers various different kinds of online communication and what each is good for.
Developing and Maintaining an Online Relationship contains relationship advice, but not the normal kind. Instead, it's all about how the online component of your dating can affect your relationship. Things you might want to think about after a relationship are covered in the following chapter.
The Real Person talks about the final stages of online dating - when it stops being so online and becomes more about the dating. It takes you from that first meeting through to living happily ever after.